*Did you know Jo Malone in House of Fraser Intu Metro Centre offer a fabulous bridal service?. They help you choose fragrances for your wedding. Scents create memories and candles can replace flower arrangements or compliment them. The staff are amazing and offer a complimentary hand and arm massage for customers to help you choose your perfect scent, whether it’s for a wedding or simply a gift to yourself or a friend..I love Jo Malone fragrances personally and think the wedding idea is fantastic!!!
Hey Everyone,
So I’m up for an award eeeekkkk!!!! The Sun FM Most Stylish Blogger Award. First of all, Thank you to all my Tried and Tested crew for nominating me but now i need your VOTE!!! This Blog site has not been up and running long, however my blogging platform, that is hugely popular is my Facebook Group Tried and Tested FB so please take a look. I am not your average ”blogger” I never even considered myself a ”blogger”, that name was given to me. I work with local businesses trying and testing beauty products, treatments or health products. I then write about my experience, sending traffic and potential clients/customers back to that business!!! I am proud to have seen businesses grow thanks to Tried and Tested. I seek out special exclusive deals to all the Female members of the group so they are getting something back. I also allow my members to ”blog” themselves and share their favorite products with everyone. Tried and Tested seen huge media attention because it is different and champions local businesses. Here is a single article on Tried and Tested success Tried and Tested Article . Tried and Tested has only been going little over a year and has grown and grown. Thanks to Tried and Tested I landed myself a co-host role as the beauty/fashion guru on popular T.V. show Chatty Lasses. I am also a proud ambassador for the charity SKCIN . Unfortunately I was diagnosed with malignant melanoma (skin cancer) last year right in the middle of the Tried and Tested hype so I do all I can to raise awareness. I have just finished a show working with channel 5 to help raise awareness. I also work!!! Yep I have a ”proper” job as a practice manager of a dental surgery and I’m also a mum to two gorgeous boys. I think I’ve packed a lot in in a year and would love if you could spare a minute to give me a vote and fingers crossed I win!!! VOTE LISA GUTHRIE HERE Lisa xx